Two places A and B are 120 km apart from each other on a highway. A car starts from A and another from B at the same time. If they move in same direction, they meet in 6 hours and if they move in opposite directions, they meet in 1 hour and 12 minutes. Find the speed of the cars.

Let the speeds of car A = x km /hr , speed of car B= y km/h

Assuming speed of car A > speed of car B

 Distance covered by car A in 6 hours = 120  + distance covered by car B in 6 hours

Now distance covered by car A in (1  + 12/60) hour + distance covered by car B in (1+ 12/60) hours=120 km

x (6/5)+y (6/5)=120

x + y=100  ...... (2)

solving (1) and (2) we get 

x= 60 km / hr = speed of car A

y = 40 km / hr = speed of car B

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