[VERY URGENT}In NCERT Chemistry part 2 class 12 page 72 How to find value of n from reaction? plzz tell fast test is tommorow

n value comes from the number of electrons involved in the given reaction. 
In this example  the reaction is as follows:
Mg  +  2Ag+   ​→  Mg2+  +  2Ag
Fromn the above reaction we can see that Mg is changinto Mg2+ and Ag+ is changing into Ag. Half-cell reaction can be written as:
Mg  ​→  Mg2+   + 2e-
Ag+  +  e-  ​→  Ag

As in the first reaction there is change of 2 electrons. We multiply by 2 in the second reaction so the number of electron transfer is same. So there is total of two electrons change in the reaction. Hence value of n is 2. 

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