Villa For Sale teaches us some morals and values.Discuss

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“Villa for Sale” teach us many lessons. The moral is that being realistic and quick in business is very necessary. One should grab every opportunity to turn things into ones favor.  It is a story of a girl named Juliette, her endeavors to sell her house and the way she is outsmarted by a person called Gaston. Juliette was in urgent need of money and so thought of selling her house at any cost. Although initially she sets the cost as two thousand francs, but afterward when she sees that nobody was ready to give that price she thought of selling it at lesser amount. Once, an agent sends a couple named Gaston and Jeanne to see her villa. Jeanne was eager to buy the house for her parents and her sister but Gaston was not willing to buy it. When Juliette takes Jeanne upstairs to show her villa a film star, Mrs. Al. Smith, came inside the villa. She makes a mistake by thinking Gaston as the owner. Gaston was a quick,witty and an opportunist person. He takes the advantage of the situation and makes a deal for three thousand francs. Afterward when Jeanne tells that she has lost the interest in buying the villa, he shows keen interest in the villa and buys it. Jeanne comes to know about the deal afterward. Instead of being angry she was elated at the common sense of her husband. It shows the real qualities of a businessman.

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