"War had not broken their spirit.Their selfless action brought a new nobility to human life.....".In the light of selfessness of Nicola and Jacopo,Write a letter to your friend describing the importance of the value of selfessness.(80-100 words).

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Dear XYZ,
Hope this letter will find you in good health. We are doing well here. I have not seen you for a long time, so thought of writing to you. Recently I was reading a story 'Two Gentlemen of Verona'. It was really a very good story. It spoke of the importance of selflessness. I thought of sharing my view after reading the story.
In this hectic world most people are engrossed about fulfilling their own materialistic needs. No one has the time to think about the other person. People do not give any value or respect to anybody. But, selflessness is needed very much to uphold the true values of one’s life. A selfless service always gives pleasure and satisfaction that no material thing can give.  Love and care is the strength of a person. Even animals sacrifice themselves selflessly for their tribe sometimes. Often I wonder whether we human are inferior to animals. In the quest of achieving success often people crush down whoever comes in their way. It is really pathetic. You know after reading the story I really felt great. I only hope we will all realize the value of unselfishness someday and make the world a beautiful place to live in.
Drop me a line soon. Give my regards to uncle and aunty.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely

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