We know that when alkyl halide reacts with AgNO2 then it formsnitro alkanebut when it reacts with KNO2 then it forms alkyl nitrite... how can v knw that when will it join with O and when with N ..........???????

The bond between Ag-O in AgNO2is covalents, therefore the lone pair of electrons present on Nitrogen is freely available for attack in nucleophillic substitution in alkyl halide resulting in the formation of nitro alkane. Whereas the bond between K-O in KNO2is ionic in nature and Oxygen attracts the shared electron density towards itself and also since oxygen is more electronegative than Nitrogen, hence the negative charge on oxygen is available for attack in the nucleophilic substitution leading to formation of alkyl nitrite.

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KNO2 is predominantly ionic and hence it gives (O=N-O)-  ion that attaches to carbon atom of alkyl group forming Alkylnitrite.but AgNO2 being predominantly covalent forms nitroalkane by formation of  bond between lone pair of nitrogen atom(:NO2) and carbon atom of alkyl group

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