Coal and petroleum are fossil fuels found in earth’s crust. They are non-renewable and exhaustible resources.  They must be conserved to get their advantage in present and future.

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u hav mixed two questions of fossil fuels and fossils.... :D

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lolz yes u have mixed . fossil fuels ar formed my biological factorz i.e. millionz of years ago ther was an earth quack and all he plantz and animalz burid and they wer acttked by the bacteria and turned to fossilz like coal , petrolium , ect.  the life of fossil fuels can be messured my many ways i.e. by seeing ther bone , by using machines , etc . i hope i was boaring but a liel bit inresting also .

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sorry itz by

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The dead remains of plants and animals are called fossil fuels 

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 Fossil fuels are the buried organism under high temperature and pressure in earth crust deeply in the form of fuel. Fossil fuels were created by decomposing organic (plant and animal) matter a long, long time ago and are typically found underground. Different temperatures and pressures resulted in the organic matter transforming into coal, oil or gas. For example petroleum, coal, etc.


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The remnants of an organism that existed in a past geological age are called as fossil fuels .

Example-coal, petroleum.


Fossil fuels are the non renewable sources of energy because they take millions of years to form, and reserves are being used much faster than new ones are being made. They are used as a fuel in heavy automobiles and machines

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