what are precautions taken during natural disasters

Here are some common preventive measures to reduce damage to life and property:
1.Avoid residing near disaster prone(flood prone, earthquake prone,landslide prone, riots prone,industrial accidents prone etc.) areas.
2.Build houses on higher ground with proper drainage if living in flood prone areas and build a strong house if living near earthquake prone areas.
3.Ensure your house has essential utilities like medical kit, torch,water bottles,and fire extinguisher etc.
4.At the time of earthquake, stay away from heavy furniture, glass and gas cylinders.Try to get shelter inside strong bed or table if you are not able to vacate the place.
5.Review your insurance policy to ensure that it provides adequate coverage
6.Be aware and don't panic at the time disaster strikes.

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Disaster precautions is important in preventing the loss of human lives and minimizing the damage to property during the occurence of a natural disaster. In todays world, there are so many types of natural disasters. In some cases, we cannot be able to take any precautions. So, safety measures or precautions should be pre-planned before the disaster strikes. However, some of the precautions to be taken before a natural disaster occurs are listed below : 

1.The people should be sure that all breakalbes are stored safely, foodstuffs and water are prepared and big items need are on the floor.


2.Green vegetations like trees surrounding houses should be pruned regularly or even cut down if they are in state for damaging property if disturbed, for example wind .

3.Trustful information regarding natural disasters is always published on the news. Professionals who relay information to the media always closely monitors volcanic eruptions and hurricanes . Instructions and advice are also given on the emergency news as to how to prepare safe during occurence of natural disasters.

4.In the event that the gas or electricity becomes hazardous,everybody should also familiarize themselves with turning off the gas and electricity supply to their houses .

5.The originals or copies of valuable certiticates like bitrh certificates,marreage certificates, passports, citizenship,etc should not be left behind in an eacuated house but always carried on the person in the event that there is no return.

6. Learn how to shut off gas, water and electricity in case the lines are damaged. 

7. If power is lost, turn off major appliances and keep refrigerators and freezers closed. 

8. Check your home for cracks and damage, including the roof, chimneys and foundation.

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