what are the 10 phylum of kingdom animalia along with their specific features and examples?

I am giving you features of some phylums.

1.  Porifera:

  • They are mostly marine and non-motile.

  • They are mostly found attached to rocks.

  • They show cellular level of organization. Their body is not organized into tissues and organs.

  • Their bodies are porous. Their body has holes or pores all over, which allows the circulation of water throughout the body and bring in food and oxygen.

2. Platyhelminthes:

  • They are mostly parasitic (e.g. tapeworm, liver flukes). However, some may be free living (e.g. Planaria).

  • True body cavity is absent.

  • They show bilateral symmetry.

  • They show an organ system level of organization.

  • In addition to ectoderm and endoderm, a layer of cells called mesoderm is found between these two layers. Therefore, these are triploblastic animals.

3.  coelenterates:

  • They are exclusively marine animals.

  • Body cavity is present.

  • They have a tissue level of organization and lack organs and organ systems.

  • Their body is made up of two layers of cells; the outer layer is called ectoderm and the inner layer is called endoderm.

  • Most of these animals have radial symmetry.

4. phylum Nematoda:

  • They are bilaterally symmetrical and triploblastic.

  • They have a cylindrical body with tapering ends.

  • They have an organ system level of organization.

  • They are parasitic animals.

  • False body cavity or pseudocoelom is present.

5.  annelids:

  • They may be free-living or parasitic.

  • They are bilaterally symmetrical, and their body is segmented.

  • They have three germ layers. Thus, they are triploblastic animals.

  • They possess true organs inside their body structures.

  • True body cavity or coelom is present (schizocoelom).

6. arthropods:

  • They show bilateral symmetry.

  • Triploblastic animals.

  • Segmented body like those of annelids.

  • Schizocoelom is present.

7. Chordata:

All members of the phylum chordate possess a notochord. However, some animals such as Balanoglossus, Amphioxus, Herdmania, etc. have a notochord, which is either absent or does not run the entire length of the animal’s body. Therefore, these animals are kept in a separate sub-phylum called Protochordata, and the rest of the chordates are included in the sub-phylum vertebrata. The members of the sub-phylum vertebrata are advanced chordates. They are divided into five classes: Pisces, Amphibian, Reptilia, Aves, and Mammalia.


Animals in Vertebrata are classified into five classes:



Echinodermata are a group of spiny, exclusively marine invertebrates.These animals are radially symmetrical and some of their general characters include,

  • Body triploblastic and coelomate
  • Possess water vascular system that transports nutrients and oxygen to the different parts of the animal.
  • Examples include sea star, sea cucumber, sea urchin etc.



It is the second largest phylum after arthropods. It includes snail, octopus, Pila, mussel, Unio etc.


Phylum Mollusca:

  • 8
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