What are the differences between protozoa and fungi? Give three points of difference excluding examples.

You may either refer to the answer provided by your friend or kindly refer to the answer given below:-

 Fungi Protozoans
These are mainly multicellular eukaryotic organismsThese are unicellular  eukaryotic organisms.
 They are normally saprophytes means they feed on dead & decay organic matterThey can be autotrophic or heterotrophic
Example- Aspegillus, PenicilliumExample- Amoeba, Paramecium


@Vivek:- Good answer, keep posting!!

  • 12
  • Fungi:  A fungus is a spore producing organism that has no chlorophyll and can live as single celled yeast or as a larger multi-cellular mould. It will reproduce by spores. It will live by absorbing certain nutrients from any organic matter. Fungi include moulds, mildews, mushrooms and yeasts. Fungi can cause disease in immune suppressed people, such as jock itch and ringworm. Penicillin is made from a fungus.
  • Protozoa:  A protozoa is a single celled organism which is able to move and will feed on any organic compound of carbon and nitrogen, for example an amoeba. They can be parasites or live independently. They are usually found in water or soil. Protozoa have different shapes and will produce asexually. They can inhabit the human body as a parasite, for example in the large intestine.


Hope it helps!

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