what are the diseases caused by water pollution? quick !!!!




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Here is a list of the diseases which is caused by water pollution.

  • Cholera is considered to be one of the major diseases caused by water pollution. If the small intestine is infected by unclean and polluted water, then it causes diarrhea. This condition finally results in dehydration, which decreases the level of water in your body. This adverse condition may even cause deaths. Diarrhea most frequently occurs in infants and seniors as their immune system is not strong enough.
  • When the contaminated and polluted water is consumed, the pathogenic bacteria found in water grow and multiply in the human body. This may lead to kidney failure and intestinal hemorrhage if diagnosis and treatment are not done at the earliest. This water borne disease is known as typhoid.
  • If any worms are present in the human intestines, this may adversely affect your lungs. These intestinal worms are called hookworms. Inadequate protein and lack of essential nutrients can obstruct the immune system’s activities.
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  • Typhoid
  • Giardiasis
  • Amoebiasis
  • Ascariasis
  • Hookworm
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Dhiarrhea
  • Encephalitis
  • Stomach craps and aches
  • Vomiting
  • Hepatitis
  • Respiratory infections
  • Liver damage and even cancer (due to DNA damage) – caused by a series of chemicals (e.g., chlorinated solvents, MTBE)
  • Kidney damage caused by a series of chemicals
  • Neurological problems - damage of the nervous system – usually due to the presence of chemicals such as pesticides (i.e., DDT)
  • Reproductive and endocrine damage including interrupted sexual development, inability to breed, degraded immune function, decreased fertility and increase in some types of cancers – caused by a series of chemicals including endocrine disruptors – which
  • Thyroid system disorders (a common example is exposure through perchlorate which is a chemical contaminating large water bodies such as Colorado River)
  • Increased water pollution creates breeding grounds for malaria-carrying mosquitoes killing 1.2-2.7 million people a year
  • A series of less serious health effects could be associated by bathing into contaminated water (i.e, polluted beach water) including:
    • Rashes
    • Ear aches
    • Pink eyes
    • Directly – through consumption or bathing in a polluted stream (that involve consumption of municipal water, as well as bathing in polluted lakes or beach water).
    • Indirectly – through the consumption of vegetables irrigated with contaminated water, as well as of fish or other animals that live in the polluted water or consume animals grown in the polluted water. This is many times more dangerous than being directly affected through consumption of water because some pollutants bioaccumulate in fish and living organisms (their concentration in fish could be several orders of magnitude higher than their water concentration). Additionally the toxins from the brown tide are strong and can travel via air affecting homeowners close to the beach.
    • Waste disposal:
      • directly into waste-streams
      • in the land from which contaminants may leach into the groundwater below
    • Urban and agricultural runoff;
    • Animal wastes could also add dangerous pathogens (usually microbial groups, viruses and intestinal parasites) into the water;
    • From air via acid rain - water can get polluted with air contaminants (that have sometimes traveled long distances – such as the case of Hg) that reach the land and water via acid rain (during precipitation, air pollutants may get dissolved in the water drops and as a result they may acidify the water which is why the polluted rain water is referred to as “acid rain”).
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