what are the limitations of dimensional analysis?

Following are the limitations of dimensional analysis:

1. Dimensional analysis tells us nothing about the dimensionless constant of an equation.

2. This method cannot be used with exponential and trigonometric functions.

3. The method cannot be used if the physical quantity contains more than one term in one side of the equation.

  • 60

time is not included

  • -23

1..two quantities can also have same dimension.....due to this we can't differentiate them.

2..it is only applicable for multiplication type relations....in addition type relations we have to use principle of homogeneity....

  • -10
  • there is no dimensional formula for constants.
  • there is no dimensional formula for logarithmic,exponential or trigonometric functions.
  • if a physical quantity depends upon more than three variables then its formula cannot be obtained dimensionally.
  • 26
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