What are the properties of solid,liquid,and gas?

S. No.

Solid state

Liquid state

Gaseous state


Definite shape and volume.

No definite shape. Liquids attain the shape of the vessel in which they are kept.

Gases have neither a definite shape nor a definite volume.



Compressible to a small extent.

Highly compressible


There is little space between the particles of a solid.

These particles have a greater space between them.

The space between gas particles is the greatest.


These particles attract each other very strongly.

The force of attraction between liquid particles is less than solid particles.

The force of attraction is least between gaseous particles.


Particles of solid cannot move freely.

These particles move freely.

Gaseous particles are in a continuous, random motion.

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Prop. of solids :

 1. it have a fixed volume and fixed shape 2. it do ot flow 3. it can not be compressed much 4. it does not fill the container completely


1. it does not have fixed shape but have fixed volume 2. it can flow  3. like solids it also connot be compressed much  4.it also did not fill it container completely


1.it do not havefixed shape and volume 2. it can flow 3.it can compressed 4.it fill it container completely 

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Properties of SOLID :

1. They have a fixed shape and fixed volume.

2.They cannot be compressed easily  i.e they have very low compressibility.

3.They have high densities.

4.They have the least inter-molecular spaces i.e they are tightly packed.

5.They have the highest inter moleculer forces of attraction.

6.It's particles have no movement.

7.Solids do not flow.

eg.ice, wood, salt, sugar, chair etc.


Properties of LIQUIDS :

1.They have a fixed volume but no fixed shape.

2.They cannot be compressed much i.e they have moderate compressibility.

3.They have moderate densities.

4.Their inter-molecular spaces are more than those of solids i.e their particles have more spaces between them.

5.Their inter-molecular force of attraction is less than that of solids.

6.In liquids, the amount of movement of particles is more than the solids.

7.They generally flow easily.

eg. water, honey, oil, ink etc.


Properties of GASES :

1.They have neither a fixed shape nor a fixed volume.

2.They can be compressed verry easily i.e they have highest compressibility.

3.They have very low densities.

4.They have the most inter-molecular spaces between them i.e their particles are much farther apart from one another.

5.They have the lowest inter-molecular force of attraction i.e the particles of gases have random(independent) motion.

6.They have the maximum amount of movement.

7.They flow very easily.

eg.air, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, steam etc.



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liquids on the basis of particle nature of matter:

1.  They do not have a fixed shape. They take up the shape of the container in which they are kept.

2.  They have a fixed volume.

3.  They are not rigid i.e. they flow freely.

4.  They have more compressibility than solids. They can easily diffuse in other liquids.

5.  In most cases, the density of a substance in the liquid state is lesser than in the solid state.

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