what are the similarities and differences between evaporation and boiling ? (please  give at least 5 points)

The differences between evaporation and boiling can be illustrated by the following points-
1.  Evaporation occurs on the surface of the liquid whereas boiling occurs at the entire mass of the liquid.
2. Boiling occurs rapidly whereas evaporation is a slow process.
3. Evaporation occurs at any temperature whereas boiling occurs at a specific temperature.
4. The motion of particles is fast in boiling whereas in evaporation few particles move slowly and few at a faster rate.
5. There is formation of bubbles in boiling, but bubbles are not seen in case of evaporation.
As for the similarities both evaporation and boiling results in the change of state from the liquid to the gaseous state.
For example, Rainwater evaporates from warm pavement after a thunderstorm.
While bubbling water or bubbling gravy are examples of boiling.
Hope this helps.

  • 21
Boiling is very rapid evaporation starting at the bottom of a container of water.

Evaporation occurs fastest where there is the most heat (energy). When we heat water to
make it boil we heat it from the bottom so the evaporation occurs at the bottom of the
pot. As a result, large bubbles of water vapor form at the bottom and rise to the
surface in the boiling action. If we applied the same heat to the top surface of the
water it would evaporate just as quickly but we would not call it boiling because the
bubbles would not form and rise to the surface.

Normally evaporation occurs at a much slower rate than boiling because most evaporation
occurs with room temperature

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 in boiling we need temp. upto100degree celsius.(boiling point)..nd in evaporation we need normal temp. nd large surface area...for fast evaporation

sorry bt i know only these points

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 boling is a bulk phenomenon

evaporation is a surface phenomenon.

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 boiling means heating with the use of some heating substance. But evaporation depends on surface area, temperature, humidity and wind speed....

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