What are the types of farming ?

Farming can be classified into two main types. These are subsistence farming and commercial farming. Subsistence farming can be further classified as intensive subsistence and primitive subsistence farming. Primitive subsistence agriculture includes shifting cultivation and nomadic herding. Commercial farming includes commercial grain farming, mixed farming and plantation agriculture.

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2)Dry and irrigated farming

3)Mixed farming

4)Single crop and multi crop farming

5)Diversified farming

6)Specialised farming

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In India, there are two main agricultural seasons in a year. The Kharif season or the summer season; and The Rabi season or the Winter season.

The Kharif season starts in June when the South-West monsoon starts. Seeds are sown in June and July and crops are harvested in September and October. Crops which require large quantities of water are cultivated during the Kharif season. The main Kharif crops are rice, sugar-cane, jute, cotton, tobacco, maize etc. These crops cover 65% of total cultivated area.

The Rabi Season starts in the middle of October when the south-west monsoon retreats and the north-east Monsoon begins. Seeds are sown in October and crops are harvested in March and April. Generally, crops which require less water are grown during the rabi season. The main rabi crops are wheat, barley, gram, mustard, linseed etc. These crops require cooler conditions and less moisture Rabi crops account for 33% of cropped area.

Besides the above two groups of crops, there are certain crops which are grown throughout the year in all parts of the country under artificial irrigation, they are called zaid crops. The chief Zaid crops are rice, maize, melons, groundnut, water melons, cucumber, leafy and tuber vegetables etc.

Dry Farming

Dry farming is a system under which farming is carried on in the regions where the rainfall is scanty i.e. less than 50 Cm annually and where irrigation facilities are either absent or very little. It is followed in Gujarat, Rajasthan, South Punjab, Northern Maharashtra; Generally, single-cropping is practised under this system. Under this system, only those crops which can withstand drought conditions, such as Jowar and Bajra are grown.

Humid Farming

Humid Farming is a system of farming practised in regions where the rainfall is adequate i.e. between 100 Cm to 200 Cm without the help of irrigation. It is followed in the West Coast, West Bengal, Parts of Bihar, U.P and Assam. Under this system, generally, double cropping (i.e. growing of two crops in a year on the same land) is practised. Rice, Sugarcane, jute etc. are cultivated under this system.

Irrigation Farming

Irrigation farming is a system of farming under which crops are grown with the help of irrigation i.e. supply of water from rivers, reservoirs, tanks, wells to land for cultivation in regions of seasonal or low rainfall. It is followed in Western U.P., Punjab, Haryana, parts of Bihar, Orissa, A.P., Tamil Nadu, Karnataka etc. Under this system, multiple or double cropping is practiced. A large variety of crops, such as rice, sugarcane, cotton, wheat, tobacco etc. are grown under this system.


Shifting Cultivation

Shifting cultivation means the migratory subsistence farming. Under this system, a plot of land is cultivated for a few years and then, when the crop yield declines because of soil exhaustion and the effects of pests and weeds, is deserted for another area. Here the ground is again cleared by slash-and-burn methods, and the procedure is repeated. Shifting cultivation is predominant in the forest areas of Assam (Known as jhum), Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Arunchal Predesh, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh (Podu). Rainfed rice, Maize, buck wheat, small millets, root crops and vegetables are grown on the burnt over clearings.

Plantation Farming

Plantation farming means the cultivation of a single cash crop in plantations or estates (large areas of land) on a large scale. The farming is carried on with the help of technically advanced methods of cultivation and tools. The tea plantations of Assam and West Bengal, coffee plantations of Karnataka, Kerala & Tamil Nadu and rubber plantations of Kerala are the examples of Plantation farming in India.

Single, Double and Multiple Cropping

Single cropping also known as mono-cropping or mono-culture is a system of farming under which the cultivators grow one crop from the lands during the year. It is generally undertaken in those areas where soil and climatic conditions are most favourable for the production of a particular crop only. Example: Tea, Coffee, etc.

Double cropping is a system under which two crops are raised by the farmers from the same plot of land during the year. It is practiced in densely populated countries where soil and climatic conditions favor the cultivation of two crops during the year. Example: Rice.

Multiple cropping is a system under which the farmer grown more than two crops from the same plot of land during the year. It is a highly intensive system of farming. For the success of this system, the soils must be cultivated intensively by providing scientific fertilizers, better seeds and regular water supply through irrigation. Example: Cotton, tobacco, vegetables.

Arable Farming

It is a system under which the farms are used only for the cultivation of crops i.e. food crops and cash crops. Mixed farming is a system under which the lands used not only for the cultivation of crops, but also for other purposes, such as stock-raising, poultry farming, sericulture, bee-keeping etc.

Crop Rotation

The system of farming by which different crops are alternately grown on the same land in a specific order. Among the advantages of a rotation are the more effective control of weeds, pests & diseases and the more economical utilisation of soil fertility. For example, leguminous crops like pulses are grown alternately with wheat, barley or mustard.

Mixed Cropping

Mixed cropping means the cultivation of more than one crop simultaneously on the same piece of land. The two crops are sown together but harvested at different times because the growth period of hte plants of the different crop varies. Early maturing crops are mixed with groundnut, cotton or pulses which mature late. The crops are so mixed that soil nutrients removed by some are replaced by others, at least partly.

 Articles on Agriculture
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  • Types of Farming in India
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 Refers to the practi
ce of grazing animals on the public lands. Some public lands may also be used for raising livestock.                            
2.Dry and Irrigated Farming
 Farming in areas where rainfall is deficient and there is no assured source of artificial irrigation, is referred to as dry farming.

3.Mixed Farming
 Mixed farming is the combining of two independent agricultural enterprises on the same farm.

4.Single Crop and Multi-crop Farming
 Single-crop farming is a form of specialised farming. If a farmer specialises in crop enterprise, it is left to him to produce a single crop or a multiplicity of crops. 

5.Diversified Farming
 When a farmer is engaged in a multitude of farm enterprises, it is referred to as diversified farming. If a large number of crop enterprises, with or without a number of non-crop enterprise is run by a single farmer, it is referred to as diversified farming. Raising of five or six crops makes it diversified. The motive behind diversified farming is self-sufficiency. 

6.Specialised Farming
 In a general sense, when only few enterprises are run by the farmer, in which he has acquired special knowledge, it is known as specialised farming. Specifically, specialised farming refers to only one kind of farm business such as raising food crops or rearing sheep or raising dairy cattle. Raising two to three crops makes it specialized. The motive behind specialied farming is profit.
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