What comment did Miss Mebbin make after Mrs Packletide had fired the shot?

Why did Miss Mebbin make this comment? How did Mrs Packletide react to this comment?

Miss Mebbin noticed the happenings of the entire event and exclaimed on how amused everyone would be once they came to know what really had happened. She knew very well that Mrs. Packletide had shot the goat which frightened the tiger to death. Mrs. Packletide knew that this was a threat and thus, became aggressively agitated and rebelled to the very idea of people knowing the truth. She said that nobody would ever believe the truth. 

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When Miss Mebbin discovered that it was the goat who died because of the bullet shot by Mrs packletide who was actually aiming to shoot the tiger . She told this to mrs packletide so that she can later black mail her . mrs packletide got annoyed when she came to know that miss mebbing had discovered the truth about the tiger killing .

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