There are two types of phenomenon. One is surface phenomenon and the other being bulk phenomenon.
Surface phenomenon is the phenomenon where only surface of any substance or object is involved in the process. For e.g. evaporation, while bulk phenomenon refers to the phenomenon where whole of the substance or object is involved in the process and is affected in bulk completely. For e.g boiling.
Hope it helps.

  • 27

i think its boiling......

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 Boiling is the process of rapidly converting a liquid to its gaseous (vapor) state, typically by heating the liquid to a temperature called its boiling point. The boiling of a substance is known as a phase change or phase transition. Chemically, the substance remains the same, but its physical state (or "phase") changes.

The boiling point of a substance is the temperature at which it can change its state from liquid to gas throughout the bulk of the liquid at a given pressure. It should be noted that the boiling point of a substance is sensitive to the pressure of the surroundings. Thus, for example, the boiling point of water is lower at a high altitude than it is at sea level, because the air pressure at high altitudes is lower than that at sea level. Based on this understanding, the boiling point of a substance can be defined as the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid substance is equal to the pressure of the surrounding gases.

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