What happens when Magnesium ribbon is burnt in air?If the product obtained is mexed with water,then what is the nature os that aqueous solution.

When burned in air with a Bunsen burner it produces a bright white flame/light. Never look directly at it as it will hurt your eyes. After burning they produce magnesium oxide. here's an equation for it :2Mg + O2 ----- 2MgO

We will get magnesium hydroxide which is basic in nature because all metallic oxides are basic in nature.

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when magnesium ribbon is burnt, it produces magnesium oxide which is a white ash-like substance.on mixing it with water, we get magnesium hydroxide which is basic in nature because all metallic oxides are basic in nature.you can test by litmus paper.

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when magnesium ribbon is burnt ,magnesium is reacted with oxygen and form magnesium oxide.this magnesium oxide is in the form of ash.if this ash is mixed with water magnesium hydroxide is formed.the eqation for this is 2MG + O2 =2MGO.magnesium hydroxide is basic in nature. we can verify this by using indicators i.e.,litmus paper,hibiscus etc. we can know that magnesium hydroxide is basic as magnesium is a metal . as all metal oxides are basic in nature

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You must have observed that magnesium ribbon burns with a dazzling white flame and changes into a white powder. This powder is magnesium oxide. It is formed due to the reaction between magnesium and oxygen present in the air.
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