what is coelom ???

The body of some animals is made up of three layers of cells, the outer ectoderm, the middle mesoderm and the inner endoderm. The body cavity or the coelom is the space enclosed by the mesoderm where the internal organs are suspended. Some animals do not have a true coelom but the mesoderm is present in scattered pouches. Such animals are said to be pseudocoelomic. For example Phylum Nematoda. The animals that have a true body cavity are known as coelomic or eucoelomic. For example, phylum Annelida. The animals that do not have a coelom are called acoelomate. Example, Phylum Porifera.


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Coelom refers to the main body cavity in most multicellular animals and is positioned inside the body to surround and contain the digestive tract and other organs.
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 A  body cavity can mean any internal space or a series of spaces present inside the body. Whereas coelom or true body cavity generally refers to a large fluid- filled space lying between the outer body wall and in the inner gut all( wall of digestive tube) . The coelom contains most of the visceral organs and is lined by mesoderm on all sides.
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