what is concentration?


The concentration of a solution is simply defined as the amount of solute present in a given amount (mass or volume) of solution, or the amount of solute dissolved in a given mass or volume of solvent. In other words, it is a term used to express how much of solute is dissolved in a particular quantity of solvent or solution. Thus 




There are many ways of expressing the concentration of a solution like molarity, molality, mass by mass percentage, mass by volume percentage etc. Two of them,  mass by mass percentage and mass by volume percentage are described as follows




In this formula, the mass of a solution is equal to the masses of the solute and the solvent.

Thus, mass of a solution = Mass of solute + Mass of solvent



In this formula, the volume of a solution is equal to the volumes of the solute and the solvent.

Volume of a solution = Volume of solute + Volume of solvent

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 The amount of solute in a solvent decides the properties of a solution and this amount remaining the same, the solution can be made diluted or concentrated by adding solvent and removing some of the solvent from the solution.

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The strength of a solution; no. of molecules of a substance in a given volume

hope it helps

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