What is conservation of natural resources?Give answer in detail.

Conservation is actually an act of protecting, preserving and maintaining the health of natural world its fisheries,habitats and biological diversity. The conservation of natural resources is referred to the management of natural resources basically for the economic reasons and involves various sources like timber , fish, pastureland and minerals, also renewable and more importantly non renewable sources for future perspective.

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Our natural resources are getting over very quickly as the population is increasing quickly.............more babies are born each day than people are dying.............the earth has many resources that people can use to meet their daily needs but not enough for many people..........so we need to first spread the rule of birth control..........also protecting our natural resources includes not letting them get polluted............now water,soil,air,etc are getting polluted.............now there is this petrol hike.............petrol will be over in less than 15 years and by seeing increase in the no. of  vehicles in the world it will be over in about 10-12 years...........soon we will be back to the stone age because all our resources will be over then and petrol itself needs some more million years to form.............but dont fret cause we are born in the best time.............

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In 1982 the UN developed the World Charter for Nature in which it recognised the need to protect nature from further depletion due to human activity. They state the measures needed to be taken at all societal levels, from international right down to individual, to protect nature. They outline the need for sustainable use of natural resources and suggest that the protection of resources should be incorporated into the law system at state and international level.To look at the importance of protecting natural resources further. The World Ethic of Sustainability, developed by the IUCN, WWF and the UNEP in 1990 which set out eight values for sustainability, include the need to protect natural resources from depletion. Since these documents, there have been many measures taken to protect natural resources, some of these ways include Conservation biology and Habitat Conservation.Conservation biology is the scientific study of the nature and status of Earth's biodiversity with the aim of protecting species, their habitats, and ecosystems from excessive rates of extinction. It is an interdisciplinary subject drawing on sciences, economics, and the practice of natural resource management.The term conservation biology was introduced as the title of a conference held University of California at San Diego in La Jolla, California in 1978 organized by biologists Bruce Wilcox and Michael Soule.

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