what is difference between echo and reverberation????exam tomorrow..........

Have you ever been into a large room with big sound speaker giving out music? You'll notice that even after you switch the speaker off, the sound stays for a moment. Then, when a music is played in a big auditorium after sometimes the sound become inaudible due to extra sounds that appear like echos. This is reverberation.

Thus, reverberation is defined as persistence of sound in an enclosure after the sound source is removed.

Echo refers to a single reflection of sound waves but reverberation is multiple reflections of sound waves.

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Echo and reverberation are different.Echo:

The phenomenon of reflection of sound from a surface is called echo. For example, when you shout from a valley, you hear an echo.

Reverberation:The phenomenon of overlapping of sound caused by multiple reflections is calledreverberation. This causes the overlapping of several reflected waves. The time gap between the reflected waves is so short that these cannot be distinguished. So we hear multiple noisy sounds. For example, when we shout in a small cave, reverberation of sound occurs.
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