what is electrophile and nucleophile


  • A nucleophile (Nu:) is a reagent that brings an electron pair, i.e., nucleus- seeking. Such a reaction is called a nucleophilic reaction.

Example: Hydroxide (HO), cyanide (CN), carbanion 

  • An electrophile (E+) is a reagent that takes away an electron pair, i.e., electron- seeking. Such a reaction is called an electrophilic reaction.


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electophile is an electron loving species...so it takes pair of electons. it has + charge due to which it is attracted towards electron. EXAMPLE- all electon deficient compounds{ compounds which have uncomplete octate}  like H+, Br+ . it can be neutral also - AlCl3, FeCl3 , all lewis acids....

whereas nucleophile are nucleus loving species.. which can donates a pair of electron means compound having lone pairs of electron .  It has - charge due to which it is attracted towards nucleus which is positively charged.  EXAMPLE- H-, Cl-, or all lewis bases... 

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hiii my dear lovely friend

  • -7
give examplese for electrophille
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An electrophile (literally electron-friend) is a reagent attracted to electrons.

A nucleophile is a chemical species that donates an electron pair to an electrophile to form a chemical bond in relation to a reaction.
  • -3
NUCLEOPHILE:Chemical species that donates electron pair to form a chemical bond is called as nucleophile.

ELECTROPHILE:It is a reagent that is attracted to the electrons
  • -5
nucleophile is a reagent which can bring electron pair.
electrophile is a reagent that takes away electron pair.
example:boron tri flouride(BF​3)
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  • -7
Best answer Neutrophile it is a attacking reagent which only do not contain negative charge but also the molecules which are electron rich species They are also electron donors Electrophile it is also a attacking reagent which not contains positive charge but also the molecules which contain positive charge and are electron deficient molecules They are also known as e electron beggers or electron acceptors Hope u like it whoever asked this q for the first Others gave the wrong info Waste people jobless
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