what is endarch and exarch ??

Endarch: In vascular bundle, endarch is the arrangement where protoxylem (older xylem) is inside and metaxylem (newly formed) is outside.

Exarch: When protoxylem is outside and metaxylem is inside, the arrangement is known as exarch.

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if the protoxylem{smaller xylem} is towards the pith(centre) and the metaxylem is towards the pericycle, condition is called endarch and if the metaxylem is towards the pith and protoxylem towards the pericycle, condition is called exarch.

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if the protoxylem is at the site of pith or central region n metaxylem at the site of pericycle or peripheral region then it is called as ''endarch'' n if the condition is reversed..then it is ''exarch''.

  • 5

 thanks Ankita .

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