what is fingers,hand span,cubit in measerment?

 Units of measurement were among the earliest tools invented by humans. Primitive societies needed rudimentary measures for numerous tasks such as: constructing dwellings of an appropriate size and shape, fashioning clothing, or bartering food or raw materials.

Finger finger, ancient and medieval measure of 1/8yard, or 4 1/2inches (11.4 cm), used primarily to measure lengths of cloth. The finger derives ultimately from the digitus, the smallest of the basic Roman linear measures. From the digitus came the English nail, which equaled 3/4inch, or 1/16foot. The nail also came to mean the 16th part of a yard—2 1/4inches—as well as the 16th part of other measures. The one-nail length was also defined as the half finger, the length from the tip of the middle finger to the centre of the second joint from the tip. Thus, the finger became double the nail, or the length of the whole finger, tip to knuckle.

The hand is a non-SI unit of measurement of length, now used only for the measurement of the height of horses in some English-speaking countries, includingAustraliaCanada, the United Kingdom and the United States.[1] With origins in ancient Egypt, it was originally based on the breadth of a human hand. It is today equal to four inches, and thus, following the adoption of the international inch in 1959, equal to exactly 10.16 centimetres. It may be abbreviated to "h" or the plural "hh".[2] Although measurements between whole hands are usually expressed in what appears to be decimal format, the subdivision of the hand is not decimal but is in base 4, that is, subdivisions after the radix point are in quarters.[1]Thus, a horse 62 inches high, precisely between 15 and 16 hands, is not 15.5, but rather is 15.2 hands high: likewise, 64 inches high is not 15.4, but rather is 16.0.[1]

The hand (2) and palm (3) measurements shown, among others, on a human hand

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