what is input device and output device?

(Input device) data input device: a device that can be used to insert data into a computer or other computational device.

(Output device) electronic or electromechanical equipment connected to a computer and used to transfer data out of the computer in the form of text, images, sounds, or other media.

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Example of input device- mouse, key board, joy stick etc.

Example of output device- Monitor

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Input devices are devices that you connect to your computer to input data, items such as the keyboard and mouse are input devices. Output devices are those that give us information from the computer, such as monitors and printers.

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what do you understand by record

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Input devices~ Are those which you get input,in simple words,You work on which things

Such as~Mouse,Key board etc.

Output devices~Are those which are giving you output,in simple words,You typed something on key board, you get the result on moniter.

Such as~Printer,Moniter,joystick.

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Input devices mean that they halp to control the work we are doing.

Output devices mean that they take out the work we have done.

Their chain is like this-input-process-output

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Input devices mean that they halp to control the work we are doing.

Output devices mean that they take out the work we have done.

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same i same
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