what is inter-electronic repulsion ?

Inter electronic repulsion as the name indicates repulsion between electrons. This take place in atoms, where electrons are present within the same shell or in different shell. This also take place when two electrons are present within the same orbital because of which hund’s rule is obeyed.

If atom is smaller in size and more electrons are present in valence shell, they would must cause repulsion like in F atom.

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the electrons are negetively charged and they revolve around the nucleus in definite path called orbits. so, they tend to repel each other due to similar nature and magnitude of charges. this is known as inter-electronic repulsion.

hope it helps......

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 Inter- Electronic repulsion may be defined as the repulsive force acting between electrons in a atom. In H2O molecule, due to two non-bonding electron pairs and their repulsion, the tetrahedral shape got distorted to V shape.

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 You know that the electrons are negatively charged. You also might have studied that these electrons revolve around the nucleus in definite paths called orbits. So, they tend to repel each other due to similar nature and magnitude of charges. This is what is known as inter electronic repulsion.

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