what is mahalwari system?

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It is modiefied system of zamindari system.mahal means village or an estate

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it was introduce by british in agriculture.the amount of land revenue was received preodically so that so goverment could revise it.

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Collectors went from village to village, inspecting the land, measuring the fields, and recording the customs and rights of different groups.The revenue that was calculated was paid by village(Mahal).It was rather given to the village headman than giving it to zamindar.

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mahalwari system, one of the three main revenue systems of land tenure in British India, the other two being the zamindar (landlord) and the ryotwari (individual cultivator). The word mahalwari is derived from the Hindi mahal, meaning a house or, by extension, a district.

For revenue purposes the name was applied to any compact area containing one or more villages, which were called “estates.” The revenue settlement was made with the estate—hence the term mahalwari—and there were distinct types of assessment. If a zamindar held the whole estate, the settlement was with him; otherwise, payment was exacted from individual cultivators.

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It was the approximate revenue of each plot was put together for the entire village to pay.It was not permanent but it periodically revised.Village headman colllected revenue.Collectors went to each village to measure fields and record the rights and privileges of different social groups.
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