what is ohmic and non-ohmic resistors?

OHMIC RESISTORS are those which follow Ohm's law i.e. V=IR at constant temperate. They have a linear graph between Voltage (V) and Current (I). Example: Copper wire. NON-OHMIC RESISTORS are those which don't at all obey Ohm's law. Their V-I graph is non-linear. Example: PN Junction diode, Transistors etc.

@Shradha, Right answer. Keep writing! Thumbs up from the team of experts!

  • 16

 A non-ohmic resistor doesn't have a constant resistance.

An ohmic resistor has a constant resistance.

  • 5

ohmic resistors are those resistors that obey the rules of ohm's law ,eg all metallic conductors ,the graph is a straight line .while they non ohmic resistors do not obey the rules of ohm's law , eg diode valve , the graph is curved in nature.

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