What is oxidising agent?

Oxidation is defined as :

1) Addition of oxidation

2) Removal of hydrogen

3) removal of electrons

So any reagent which brings about the above processes is known as an oxidising agent. An important point to note is that oxidising agent themselves get reduced in a reaction. 

  • 8

oxidising agenst provide oxygen.remove hydrogen,add electronegative ions and remove electropositive ions for eg. oxygen,chlorine etc.

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oxidising agent are the compounds(non-metallic compounds) which accept the electrons and induce other elements(metals) to lose the electrons.......did you get it...!

oxidation means those elements which loses the electrons....

bit difficult to understand....but concentrate u will get it...

  • 1

oxidising agent means those compounds which helps for oxidation which means that removal of hydrogen and addition of oxygen...

i hope that my answer is correct !!!

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