what is sublimation? with some examples.

Sublimation is the process of transformation directly from the solid phase to the gaseousphase without passing through an intermediate liquid phase.

 ex-solid carbon dioxide (CO2) will turn directly from a solid to a gas without entering the liquid phase.

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Definition: Sublimation is the transition from the solid phase to the gas phase without passing through an intermediate liquid phase . This endothermic phase transition occurs at temperatures and pressures below the triple point .

Example: Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide. At room temperature andpressure, it sublimates into carbon dioxide vapor.

More Examples: An example of sublimation is seen when iodine, on being heated, changes from a dark solid to a purplish vapor that condenses directly to a crystalline solid upon striking a cool surface. In this way pure crystals of iodine are prepared. Some other substances, e.g., mercuric chloride, can be prepared by sublimation. Solid carbon dioxide, commonly known as dry ice, sublimes at -78.5�C (-109.3�F). Sublimation also occurs when air saturated with water vapor is suddenly cooled below the freezing point of water. Frost and snowflakes are thus formed by water changing directly from the gaseous to the solid state.

  sublimation of nh3cl

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Sublimation is the process of a solid changing form a gas to a solid without going to the liquid state and vice versa. An example of sublimation is the ice cubes in freezer over a period of time they will begin to sublimate due to the temperature. This also happens when you place your clothes on a line outside when it is below freezing. The water freezes then sublimates and your clothes will be dry but very cold. There is one gas that changes to a solid directly at -109 degrees Fahrenheit and that is carbon dioxide. 

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A direct change of state from a solid to a gas omitting the liquid stage, or of a gas directly to a solid, as in the formation of ice from water vapour. The latter is common when cirrus clouds, formed of ice crystals, grow directly from water vapour by crystallization. Through this process latent heat of sublimation is released.some examples are :- iodine, moth balls, dry ice. bathroom deodorizer

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the conversion of a solid to gas directly without becoming a liquid is called sublimation.examples are naphthalene which is used to repell cockroches.

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