What is syngany? What happens after syngamy in plants? Explain with the help of a diagram.

syngamy is the fusion of male and female gamete in plants(angiosperm).one of the two male gametes entering the pollen tube fuses with the cell in embryo sac. it later converts to zygote frm which ovary converts to fruit and ovules to seed resp.
hope dis helps:)👍👍
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Syngamy is the fusion of two cells or their nuclei during reproduction in plants. In simple words, it is fertilisation.
After the process of fertilisation
1.The petals,stamens,style and stigma falls off.
2.The zygote formed changes into embryo.
3.The ovules in the ovary develops into seed.
4.The ovary develops into fruit.
5.Sepals and petals wither away.

Hope this helps!
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