what is the difference between farm system in india and usa?

Dear Student,

The answer posted by anushree4372 is quite appropriate.

Keep up the good work and continue posting such answers. I am sure they are much appreciated by fellow students.




You could also add the following to the already posted answer:

The quality and variety of farm equipment, advancements in farm equipment technology, procurement of essentail goods, distribution of produce etc. are a few factors that differentiate the farmers in the US from the ones in India.


Best wishes!

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 indian farming: 

labor intensive 
mostly subsistence farming 

nearly 60% of population is dependent on farming 

most farms are rainfed.

american farming:
machine intensive
mostly commercial farming
less than 3% of population is dependent on farming
most farms are irrigated.

Both countries give subsidies t their farmers but US subsidies are way more than Indias (hence the Doha round dipute

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