what is the difference between horizontal and vertical distribution of power?

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  • -28

Horizontal Power sharing) - 1. Under the horizontal power sharing power is shared among different organs of government such as the legislature, executive and judiciary. 2. Under horizontal distribution of power, organs of the government are placed at the same level to exercise different powers. 3. Under horizontal each organ checks the other.

(Vertical Power sharing) -1. Under the vertical sharing power, power is shared among the different levels of the governments. 2. The vertical division of power involves the highest and the lower levels of government. 3. Under vertical power sharing the lower organs work under the higher org. please do rate it

  • 442

Horizontal division of power: It is the sharing of power among the different organs of government. The division of government into the executive, the legislature and the judiciary is an example of horizontal division of power. In such a power sharing arrangement, different organs of government, placed at the same level, exercise different powers. This separation of powers ensures that no organ exercises unlimited power. Each organ checks the others, thereby putting in place a system of checks and balances. The division of power between the Council of Ministers headed by the Indian Prime Minister, the Parliament of India and the Indian Supreme Court is an example of this kind of power sharing.

Vertical division of power: It is the sharing of power among governments at different levels — a general government for the entire country and governments at the provincial or regional level. For example, in India, the Constitution defines the way power is to be shared between the Central or Union government and the various State governments. There are certain matters on which only the Central government can take decisions, while there are others on which only an individual state government has an exclusive right for decision making.

  • 57

horizontal power sharing is that form of power sharing in which the power is shared or distributed between the between the people of same ranking.for ex: the way in school the power of teaching is not given to one teacher but different teacher take different subjects.

vertical power sharing is that form of power sharing in which power is shared or distributed among the people of ranking from higher to lower .

for ex: the power shared between the principal, teacher and apeon in the school...all of them have powers higher to lower in which principal has most power than the teacher and then the peon.

our teacher explained like dis ......

hope this helps..

thumbs up please only if this helps..........

  • 22

Horizontal power sharing : in horizontal power sharing, power and rights would be shared equally without any dominations

vertical power sharing: in vertical power sharing, there would be a higher authority for everyone. so the higher authority gets most of the powers

  • -16
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