what is the difference between irony, metaphor and personification??? can you please give examples from the poem song of the rain???

Here are explanations of the mentioned concepts that would help you differentiate between them as well as draw examples from the poem Song of the Rain:


Metaphor is an implied simile. It is different from simile because  like similes they do not state that one thing is like another or acts as another but takes that for granted and proceeds as if the two things were one. For instance, a. The camel is the ship of the desert, b. He was a lion in the battlefield, c. She was a nightingale in the concert.

Personification is a figure of speech where inanimate objects and abstract notions are spoken as having life and intelligence. For instance, a. The stars danced in the moonlit sky. b. Fear knocked on the door. c. Faith always answers prayers.

Irony is the use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning; a statement or situation where the meaning is contradicted by the appearance or presentation of the idea.


Hope this explanation helped you!

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Personification is a poetic device which means when a nonliving thing is said to be telling some thing about any thing.For e.g. Brook in the poem brook.

Metaphor is a poetic devise which means any thing is being compared to any thing.For e.g. This soldier is as brave as lion.

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 These three are all figures of speech used to enhance descriptions or make them more interesting.

In a metaphor, a word or phrase is used with/alongside another to which it is not generally relatable.

As in an earlier example, "heart of stone;" one cannot really physiologically have a heart of stone but the phrase is used to describe someone who is cold and unfeeling.

In personification, a characteristic attributable to humans is used to describe something non-human.

For example, "Like a lover, the river wind, sighs and ripples its fingers through your hair..." (that's from a lovely old song)

In a simile, the use of "like" or "as" is used to express a likeness or resemblance.

For example, "...as high as a kite" or "She looks like a man."

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Personification is a poetic device which means when a nonliving thing is said to be telling some thing about any thing.For e.g. Brook in the poem brook.

Metaphor is a poetic devise which means any thing is being compared to any thing.For e.g. This soldier is as brave as lion

Irony refers to the use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite tothe litteral meaning.For e.g. Bestseller in the chapter

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