What is the difference between Mixed Cropping and Crop Rotation?? Please explain Field Fallow also.

Mixed Cropping is the practice of growing two or more crops at a time on the same field.

In this type of practice one crop is the main crop and the other is called secondary crop.

According to the main crop ploughing, adding manure and fertilizers are done.

Generally mixing occurs like following patterns;

 Soyabean + Pigeon Pea

 Wheat + Mustard

 Jowar + Soyabean

 Cotton + Moong

 Wheat + Linseed

 Wheat + Gram

  Jowar + Gram.


In crop rotation, two or more types of crops are grown one after another in the same field. The crops involved in this practice must be of different family. This helps to retain nutrition in the soil. For example legumes are usually grown after the harvest of paddy or wheat. This helps to retain the nutrients in the soil which are used up by the cereal crop plants.

The field when left unseeded after ploughing for a season is called fallow field. In this process the soil gets rest and can replenish its lost nutrients.  

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1. Mixed cropping is growing of two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land.
It is also known as multiple cropping. This type of cropping leads to an improvement in the fertility of the soil and hence, increase in crop yield because when the two crops are properly chosen the products and refuse from one crop plant help in the growth of the other crop plant and vice-versa.
Mixed cropping is an insurance against crop failure due to abnormal weather conditions.
Some successful mixed cropping practices are:
1. Soyabean + Pigeon pea
2. Maize + udad dal (Black gram)
3. Pigeon pea + Mung dal (Green gram)
4. Groundnut + Sunflower
5. Sorghum + Pigeon pea
6. Wheat + Chickpea
7. Barley + Chickpea
8. Wheat + Mustard
9. Cotton + Groundnut
2 .The growing of different kinds of crops on a piece of land in a preplanned succession is known as crop rotation.
In the rotation of crops, leguminous crops like pulses, beans, peas, groundnut and Bengal gram are sown in-between the seasons of cereal crops like wheat, maize and pearl millet.
The leguminous plants are grown alternately with non-leguminous plants to restore the fertility of the soil.
Planting a leguminous plant will result in nitrogen-rich soil and when a cereal is grown in this soil there is increase in food grain production.
Rotations of crops help in weed control and pest control.
Some successful crop rotation practices are:
Maize + mustard, Rice + wheat etc
Field Fallow means leaving one field without any crops for a season. Leaving one field without crops in it for one season helps it recuperate for the next season.
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