What is the difference between reflex action and reflex arc?

the involuntary functioning or movement of any organ or body part in response to a particular stimulus which occurs in very short duration of time(within a second usually)  and does not involve will or any thinking of brain is called reflex action.

reflex arc is the path followed by nerve impulses to produce the reflex action. It usually includes receptor organ, afferent nerve, nerve center, efferent nerve, effector organ or a muscle



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reflex action means an automatic response to a stimuli and reflex arc means pathway from which stimuli is carried to spinal corn and than return to effector organ

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Reflex action:is an involuntary action/quick respose to the stimulus without involving the brain for thinking.

Reflex arc:is the neural pathway through which the reflex action is conducted.


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Reflex action: is an automatic action/quick response to the stimulus without involving the brain for thinking about the stimulus. Reflex arc:is the neural pathway through which the reflex action is conducted.composed of 1.afferent path,2.inter path,3.efferent path and these three paths make an arc like structure.

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The automatic action or response provoked by a stimulus is known as a reflex action. The reflex actions, however, show sudden responses and do not involve any thinking.

A connection of detecting the signal from the nerves (input), and responding to it immediately (output) is called a reflex arc. A reflex arc makes instant and automatic responses possible


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spontanious, mechanical, automatic response to a stumulai acting on the receptor of a particular area is known as reflex action and the path followed by reflex action is knowan as reflex arc.............

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