What is the examples of autotroph and heterotroph

Autotroph: Autotrophs are organisms that can produce their own food from the substances available in their surroundings using light or chemical energy. Examples plants, algae, trees, some bacteria etc.


Heterotroph: Heterotrophs cannot synthesize their own food and rely on other organisms -- both plants and animals -- for nutrition. Examples Herbivores, omnivores and carnivores animals, also we human beings

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Neem,mango,coconut,tulsi and different kinds of grasses.Example of heterotrophs is cow,goat tiger,hyena,crow and bear.

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Autotrophs:-Example ==> Plants

Hetrotrophs:-Example==>Humans & Animals

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Autotrophs --> Plants

Heterotrophs --> Animals and Human beings

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  •  AUTOTROPHS:- green plants.
  • HETEROTROPHS:- animals, human beings, non-green plants.
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 pitcher plant

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 i mean pitcher plant is both autotropic and heterotropic plantt because it makes its own food and captures insects for the nitrogen in them

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AUTOTROPHIC: Green plants, a few bacteria.

HETEROTROPHIC:Animals,non-green plants,human beings etc.

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autotrop - plants

heteroph - human being

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autotroph-green plants

heterotroph- animal and human being

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