what is the format of book review.

  1. When you begin with your book review, do not read the book. Just give your first impressions on the cover page and the number of characters, chapters and pages. This will tell you about the book's readability and how the author structured the book.

  2. Note down parameters on which you would want to judge the book. Start with simple things. Slowly, move to more complex questions such as: 'What makes a book a classic?', 'How has the author tried to gain credibility of his/her readers?'

  3. The next step would be to read the book. And as you do so, keep the following things in mind.

  4. Take challenge in reading the book. Do not let your mind wander. Notice the plot, the types of characters, etc.

  5. Remember the framework you had previously made? Time to open the check list. Flip back though the book and write brief, purposeful notes.

  6. Explain whether the book was appealing to you or not. Give reasons for the same. Explain the relation between content and form.

  7. Sum up the entire book. Later, pass judgement on the style, technique and form in which the author has written the book. Make your moves specific and compulsive. They should be persuasive as well.

  8. Spend some time relating this book to others in its category to further explain the book and your judgement of it.

  9. You've written your review. Now check. Did you explain every major aspect of the book? What was your target audience? If so, you might have to edit your review to add or remove details. If you don't, you're done!

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There is no rule, you have to right the whole story in short, approximately 5% of the full story.

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you have to write--

1. about the author

2. about the book

3. why the reader should read this book

atlast ,, a small  conclusion

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To write a book review you should read the book  thoroughly. You should know all the facts , inccidents and the lesson{if inspirstory} related to the Novel. To write a Good Book Review you should include:

  1. About the Author:- brife discription with his achievements & his Style.
  2. Main Characters:- those characters who played a very Important role in the novel
  3.  Summary:- must include all important facts ,incidences & short story of Novel.
  4. Any word Phrase or Thing that you like in the Novel.
  5. You like or dislikes the novel with reason
  6. Would you suggest it to others and why?
  7. Your Comments :a.) on author's style
  8. b.)on the Book
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