what is the importance of soil?

Without soil, we wouldn’t be able to plant trees, food crops hence, we wouldn’t be able to eat or have shelter to rest from the sun.  In short, soil is just as important as any other element in our planet. We are all connected in this planet and our soil is one of the most basic elements in our lives. 

Soil is also a very big link in the chain of life and death in our planet.  Living things like animals, leaves, seeds and other organic matter decompose on the soil providing organic matter that fatten up the soil.  These in turn make plants grow healthier which in turn are eaten by animals that are eaten by humans.  The cycle resumes when the animal dies or something decomposes with a very big help from our soil. 

Soil quality is measured to help scientist predict impending drought by measuring the soil’s capability to hold water during the dry season.  It can also tell if the area can withstand flooding.  The same is true when scientists are measuring the amount of chemicals and pH in the soil to tell if the area can still sustain healthy plant life.  In other words, our soil is like a measuring device that tells scientists the over all health of an area or a part of land.

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The life sustaining ability of soil is best understood by appreciating the complex cycles of decay and erosion. Its natural formation occurs in a series of layers starting at the surface but gradating down to the deepest bedrock. The surface layer is where active decomposition begins. Exposure to atmospheric elements, surface warmth and moisture helps to break organic matter into loose mulch like material. At the microscopic level, this layer is teeming with a diversity of bacterial, fungal and algal life forms. In combination with larger organisms like beetles and worms they provide the additional recycling activity to enable minerals and nutrients to be retrieved from the decaying organic matter and returned to the soil. Another family of soil based micro-organisms are involved in relationships that enable plants to absorb nitrogen from their roots.

Ideally the layer directly beneath the surface will be humus rich topsoil. The quality of this topsoil will depend on the amount of organic material available near the surface and the activity of the recycling organisms.

A coastal rainforest provides almost ideal conditions for the creation of richly fertile topsoil. With increased temperatures and humidity an abundance of organic material reaching the ground begins to decompose almost immediately. It is then broken down by organisms which thrive under the conditions. The entire process is accelerated resulting in a generous layer of finely blended topsoil.

A descent through deeper soil layers will reveal gradually decreasing quantities of humus before reaching the substratum of bedrock. Deep layers contribute to the surface quality of soil by providing mineral particles and compounds through erosion. The deep layers also support the structure of the soil by providing its foundation and drainage characteristics.

A technical analysis of structure can isolate the important layers of soil, their relationship to each other, aeration and drainage characteristics along with the mineral components characteristic to a particular location. It can also indicate the comparative rates and efficiency for recycling organic material. Information about structure will assist the serious gardener to predict how soils behave under varying seasonal conditions.

Soil type is a classification based on the major particle constituent along with the average pH reading. The most typical examples of soil type are sand, clay, and silt based. In some respects this information has limited value because soils tend to vary significantly across regions even when described to be of similar type. This is where an understanding of structure will provide a clearer picture.

From the perspective of the organic grower, good soil structures need to be protected. This can be achieved by minimising digging, replacing disrupted layers in their correct order when necessary and renewing surface layers by providing a supply of organic material such as compost and manure. The addition of organic material will improve the water and nutrient holding ability of the soil.

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 soil is important because without soil we cannot grow plants.

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