What is the major occupation of the people of the South African grasslands?

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The major occupation of the people of the South African grasslands is sheep rearing. Apart from this, dairy farming and mining are the other important occupations of the people of this region.

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The major occupation of the people of the South African grasslands is sheep rearing. Apart from this, dairy farming and mining are the other important occupations of the people of this region.

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The veld is believed to be one of the worlds oldest regions inhabited by humans and theirhominidforebears. Fossil evidence indicates that members of the hominid genusAustralopithecusoccupied the Highveld some three million years ago and that variousStone Agepeoples lived there hundreds of thousands of years ago. More recently, theSanof the Kalahari inhabited parts of the grassveld until driven from it by Bantu-speaking peoples and theBoers. The generally open character, easy gradients, abundant supply of food, and—in the valleys—water of the Highveld have long attracted migrants as well as settlers. It provided the major routes followed by the Bantu-speaking peoples during their recurrent southward migrations; and in the 1830s theVoortrekkers(pioneer Boer farmers), who moved northward from Cape Colony to escape the power of the British, made the Highveld their home as well as their highway.

Until the Voortrekker era the veld remained largely in a natural state. The San, never very populous, lived by hunting and gathering. The animal herding and crop raising done by the Bantu-speaking peoples were solely for subsistence. While much of the veld, especially in Zimbabwe, retains its natural cover—modified by the selective grazing habits of oxen, cattle, and other domesticated animals—millions of acres have been brought under the plow. Most of South Africas corn (maize) crop is now grown on the grassveld in theTransvaalregion and Free State. Most of the Zimbabwean corn crop and almost all of its tobacco crop are grown on the Highveld. The major population centres of these two countries and of Botswana, as well as their major commercial and industrial activities, are also located on the Highveld, which, by virtue of terrain, climate, and mineral and ecological endowment, forms one of the areas most suitable for settlement on the African continent.

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the main occupation of the people in south africa is sheep rearing.Apart from this diary farming and mining are the other important occupations

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