what is the meaning of solitary reaper

 Solitary --> Alone

Reaper --> One who reaps is known as reaper

So Solitary + Reaper = Someone who is alone and reaping crops

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he is correct

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alone girl

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a prson who reaps crops lonly...alone. ........ ....... .............

everywhere there is no 1

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Kshitiz973 I think your answer is not so correct.The word "alone" is OK for solitary but the word "girl" is not OK for reaper.

 ABHA.S What do you mean by "everywhere there is no 1"?

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NITIN your ans is correct

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Solitary Reaper = Solitary + Reaper

Solitary means being alone

Reaper means one who reaps i.e. cuts and binds grains

So SOLITARY REAPER means a reaper who is all alone.

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ur in D.A.V 

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summary of Solitary Reaper

In the first stanza the speaker comes across a beautiful girl working alone in the fields of Scotland (the Highland). She is "Reaping and singing by herself." He tells the reader not to interrupt her, and then mentions that the valley is full of song.

The second stanza is a list of things that cannot equal the beauty of the girl's singing:

In the third stanza the reader learns that the speaker cannot understand the words being sung. He can only guess at what she might be singing about:

In the fourth and final stanza the speaker tells the reader that even though he did not know what she was singing about, the music stayed in his heart as he continued up the hill:

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i think that this title is an introduction to his poem that tells about the reaper whom he saw in the field reaping and singing

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A person who reaps int he highlands of scotland

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a young girl alone reaping the crop.

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a young is reaping the crops in the highland
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A person or a farmer reaping his (in this case "her") crops alone is known as a "solitary reaper"
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Solitary is alone And reaper is the one who reaps the crops
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A alone girl is reaping on croap field
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someone who is alone and reaping crop
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