what is the relation between celsius and kelvin scale?

Dear Student,

Relation between Kelvin and Celsius scale:

[K] = [�C] + 273.15

[�C] = [K] − 273.15


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1. the kelvin starts at absolute zero, where particle stops moving

2.the celsius scale has degrees the same as kelvin, but sets 0 as the melting point of water and 100 as the boiling point of water

3. 0 degree celsius is 273 kelvin the kelvin scale starts 273 lower than celsius absolut zero on the celsius scale =  -273

4.100 celsius scale equals to 180 fahrenheit units.

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Celsius scale has its zero point at 273.15 degrees Kelvin (the freezing point of water).
Celsius and Kelvin Scales are otherwise use the same size units.

The freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius and 32 degrees Fahrenheit, however the Fahrenheit Scale is smaller than Celsius, 100 Celsius units equal 180 Fahrenheit units.

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