what is the simplest ratio of compound?

Simplest ratio is a ratio which expresses the ration between two quantities that are being measured in the smallest ratio. Simplest ratio cannot be simplified further. This term is often used while calculating the empirical formula of a compound, in which the constituent atoms are expressed in the smallest ratio. For example, in C2H4, the ration of carbon to hydrogen (i.e. C : H) is 2:4. However, this ratio can be further simplified to 1 : 2. Therefore the ratio simplest ratio is 1 : 2. 

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An addition compound contains two or more simpler compounds that can be packed in a definite ratio into a crystal. A dot is used to separate the compounds in the formula. For example, ZnSO4·7 H2O is an addition compound of zinc sulfate and water. This represents a compound, and not a mixture, because there is a definite 1:7 ratio of zinc sulfate to water in the compound.Hydrates* are a common type of addition compound.

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Compounds contain atoms of different elements combined in whole number ratios as stated as the Law of Definite Composition. The Law of Definite Composition states that two or more elements combine to form a compound in a fixed proportion by weight without regard to method of preparation.

For example water is always 88.9% by weight oxygen and 11.1% by weight hydrogen. Through a fairly complicated process the percentages by weight are ultimately converted into simple whole number ratios. Water molecules contain a ratio of two hydrogen for every one oxygen atom . This is expressed in the form of a formula.

Water is always H2O and not HO or H3O.

 A good contrast to the compound of water is the compound hydrogen peroxide, a very similar, but very distinct compound with one extra oxygen atom. The ratio is two hydrogen atoms to two oxygen atoms. The formula for hydrogen peroxide is H2O2.

The composition of compounds is indicated by a formula using symbols for the elements. The number of atoms in a formula is given by a subscript. If no subscript is given, then the number of atoms is assumed to be one.

The composition of compounds is also indicated by the names of compounds. For example carbon monoxide (CO) consists of one carbon and one oxygen atom ("mono" = one) . While carbon dioxide (CO2) consists of one carbon and two oxygen atoms ("di" = two). 

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