what is the theme of the play 'the bishop's candlesticks'?

The whole Story, The Bishop Candlesticks, Revolves arond the theme , crime and redemption . In the story the kindness and the sympathy of the Bishop wins over the bestiality of the Convict which had come over him due to violence or torture implied by Legal sytem. It also observed that optimsim is the key to better relationship and thus, a well depeloped society .One thumpzz upplzz... :)

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the play is btw convict and bishop . bishop is always lend a hand to everyone who are in need .convict was a good man becoz of is circumstances he had steal food for his wife but the police arrested him and to the prison he spend 10 years in the prison the officers lashed him like a wild beast, they fed him on filth ,he was covered with vermin this made him a wild beast he started doing wrongs .one day as he was hungry got in the bishops house who gave him food and a place to staybut the convict stole the bishops candle which was given by his mother on her death bed he ran out the police caught him and brought it the bishop and bishop said he was his friend and he gave them to him this made a change in him .

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Poor body is the temple of the living body. we should never be greedy. we shouls me feel contemption means satisfaction what we have.

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the play is btw convict and bishop . bishop is always lend a hand to everyone who are in need .convict was a good man becoz of is circumstances he had steal food for his wife but the police arrested him and to the prison he spend 10 years in the prison the officers lashed him like a wild beast, they fed him on filth ,he was covered with vermin this made him a wild beast he started doing wrongs .one day as he was hungry got in the bishops house who gave him food and a place to staybut the convict stole the bishops candle which was given by his mother on her death bed he ran out the police caught him and brought it the bishop and bishop said he was his friend and he gave them to him this made a change in him .

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