What is Truman Doctrine?

President Truman in his address to American Congress on 12th march, 1947 made an important announcement. he was seeking approval for jis plan to render military and economic aid to greece and turkey wich were involved in a civil war. he stated that america should provide moral and financial assistance to countries whose political unity was endangered by communism.The truman doctrine was the first practical application of the 'policy of containment' this meant keping russia's power or area of control within acceptable limits or boundaries. President Truman proclaimed communism as the biggest threat to the 'free world'.

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The 'Truman Doctrine' was a policy set forth by the U.S. President Harry S Truman in a speech on March 12, 1947 stating that the U.S. would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent their falling into the Soviet sphere. Historians often consider it as the start of the Cold War.

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It offered support to all countries that declined communism, attempting to contain it, and untimately end it. The Truman Doctrine also consisted of Marshall Aid, which was money that was offered to all European countries for rebuilding. The Soviets declined the "capitalist" money!

that the US would practice containment against communism.

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