what was treaty of versallies ? what were its meant terms

The Treaty of versallies was a peace proposal accepted by weimer republic of germany after germany's defeat in world war 1

i) Germany lost possession of its overseas colonies.

ii) Germany lost a tenth of its population and 13 percent of its territories, 75 percent of its iron and 26 percent of coal resources were acquired by France, Poland, Denmark and Lithuania.

iii) Germany was demilitarized by allied powers to weaken its power.

iv) Compensation amounting to 6 billion pounds was required to be paid by Germany due to its responsibility for the war as held by the War Guilt Clause.

v) The resource rich Rhineland region was occupied by Allied powers for much of the 1920s.

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treaty of versallies was a peace proposal accepted by weimer republic of germany after germany's defeat in world war 1

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