what were main teachings of kabir?

Dear Student,

Kabir's teachings can be traced to a vast collection of verses called sakhis and pads said to have been composed by him and sung by wandering bhajan singers. Some of these were later collected and preserved in the Guru Granth Sahib, Panch Vani and Bijak. 

He taught a complete, indeed vehement, rejection of the major religious traditions. He ridiculed all forms of external worship of both Brahmanical Dear Studentnduism and Islam, the pre-eminence of the priestly classes and the caste system. The language of his poetry was a form of spoken Dear Studentndi widely understood by ordinary people. He also sometimes used cryptic language, which is difficult to follow. Kabir believed in a formless Supreme God and preached that the only path to salvation was through bhakti or devotion. Kabir drew his followers from among both Dear Studentndus and Muslims.

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