what will happen if the plasma membrane ruptures or break down

The function of the plasma membrane is the maintaining the homeostasis inside the cell. It separates the internal specific environment of the cell from the outer environment which is essential for its integrity and function. Rupture of the plasma membrane result in the loss of its integrity and so the loss of function. The cell will leak all its organelles outside. 

  • 6

the contents of rhe cell will get mixed up with the contents of other cell and the cell will die

thumbs up plz!

  • 22

in case the plasma membrane ruptures or breaks down the contents of the cell burst out thus disfunctioning the cell & the cell will die.(animal cell).

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if the plasma membrane ruptures then many unwanted things would enter the cell.the cell organells woud mix up with them and the cell will die.

  • 14

The cell's gonna die

  • -12

 why plasma membrane is called selectively permeable membrane

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 Plasma Membrane is the outer covering of the cell that seperates its content from the surrounding medium. It is a selectively permeable membrane . If it rupture or breaks down the cytoplasm will come in direct contact with the surrounding medium and the act of selection will stop.


  • 3

itzz gonna die,ha

  • -8

hey akanksha ur answer is here.....

the plasma membrene only allows few protiens wich are usefull for the cell

so it is also known as selectively permiable


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