what would happen if the plasma membrane ruptures or breaks down


Plasma membrane acts as a selectively permeable barrier between cell components and external environment. If plasma membrane breaks down, it would result in the release of cellular components including cell organelles and cytoplasm in the external environment ultimately leading to the cell death.

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Plasma Membrane is the outer covering of the cell that seperates its content from the surrounding medium. It is a selectively permeable membrane . If it rupture or breaks down the cytoplasm will come in direct contact with the surrounding medium and the act of selection will stop.

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Plasma Membrane is the outer covering of the cell that seperates its content from the surrounding medium. It is a selectively permeable membrane . If it rupture or breaks down the cytoplasm will come in direct contact with the surrounding medium and the act of selection will stop..

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If the plasma membrane of a cell is ruptured, then the cell will die. The plasma membrane regulates the movement of substances in and out of the cell by diffusion or osmosis. Thus, if the plasma membrane is ruptured, then the cell might leak out its contents.

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If plasma membrane ruptures or breaks down it will not function properly and so lysosomes(sucide bags) will burst and release enzymes(distive juices) and will digest its own cell.

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 Plasma Membrane is the outer covering of the cell that seperates its content from the surrounding medium. It is a selectively permeable membrane . If it rupture or breaks down the cytoplasm will come in direct contact with the surrounding medium and the act of selection will stop.

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1.the of the cell will be destroyed 

2.the cytoplasm and othe cell orgenelles get mixed with other  cells.

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