who is mardraj and madri in mahabharat

माद्रा एक देश था। उसके राजा मद्रराज शल्य कहलाए। माद्रा की राजकुमारी माद्री थी। वह मद्रराज शल्य की बहन थी। उसका विवाह राजा पाण्डु से हुआ था। वह उनकी दूसरी पत्नी थी। वह नकुल-सहदेव की माता थी।   

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  • madri was the princess of madra kingdom and sister of king shalya. she was the second wife of Pandu and mother of Nakul and Sahdev.
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 madri was the princess of madra kingdom and sister of king shalya and she was the second wife of pandu and mother of nakul and sahadev 

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madri is queen of pandu and the mother of nakula and sahadeva.madraraj is the name of kings who ascends the throne of madradesh.

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madraj is the kingof mathura and madri is his sister and king panu 's second wife ,  nakula and sahadeva's mother
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